Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pengganti LimeWire Bagi Kaki P2P


       Best Software To Replaces Your LimeWire

Part 1.The definition of Limewire and FrostWire

Limewire - LimeWire is a free peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) client for the Java platform, which uses the Gnutella network to locate files as well as share files. It also encourages the user to pay a fee, which will then give the user access to LimeWire PRO. Recently LimeWire opened its own store.

FrostWire - FrostWire is a peer-to-peer file sharing program for the Gnutella and BitTorrent protocols. FrostWire is written in Java, and is a fork of LimeWire, another popular Gnutella client. Released under the GNU General Public License, FrostWire is free software.

Part 2. FrostWire VS Limewire, Which is better

1.The Difference of FrostWire And Limewire - Function Comparison

kongtechnology has run a detailed test to see which one is far more superior to the other. the tests consists of loadtime, looks, search results, download speed and other extra features.. But, enough talking. Let’s see the specific procedure of the tests.


In the first test, I tested to see how long each program takes to load. Frostwire started off strong with a load time of 5 seconds. So what about Limewire? Limewire took an extra second to load, meaning that Frostwire was slightly faster than Limewire.



 Frostwire looks


Limewire looks

It’s no beauty contest, they’re both the same. None of them look that different from the other. They both have the same tabs (well, Limewire has more tabs than Frostwire), and has that same basic structure. The only difference between the two is the color scheme. Frostwire’s color scheme uses blue and white, while Limewire uses green and white. Really, there’s no clear cut competition in terms of looks.

Search Results

One of our test was the search engine test. One method I did to see which one was better was test their search results. Since Limewire and Frostwire all contain pirated stuff, we instead used “kittens” for our search. When I typed “kittens” for an image search for Frostwire (btw, I was looking for kittens the animal, and people had all of these crazy “kitten” images), it showed the search result a lot faster than Limewire. Although Limewire’s search speed was slower than Frostwire, it had a lot more search results than Frostwire. By searching “kittens”, it showed 44 search results for “kittens”, while Frostwire showed 26. In the end, despite Limewire’s turtle search results, it clearly beats Frostwire in terms of the number of search results.

Download Speed

My last test was the download speed test. I tested the download speed of both contenders by downloading an episode of my favorite web series “Arby n Chief”. To keep it fair, I downloaded the same video for both Frostwire and Limewire. When I clicked the download link for both bit torrent downloaders, Frostwire savagely beat Limewire’s download time by 25 seconds (Frostwire downloaded the file in 15 seconds flat!)! Words could not describe how shocked I was when this outcome resulted. Clearly Frostwire had a faster download time than Limewire.

Extra Features


The only extra feature Frostwire has that Limewire doesn’t is the community chat feature (e.g. chatroom). Everything else is identical.

2.FrostWire or Limewire, Which is better - The comments come from uses on forum or blog

The user view on gnutellaforums:

"Frostwire is pretty much identical to the nagware (free) version of limewire, varies slightly as build versions are released at different times.

With Limewire Chat and Freeloaders are not functional. You can chat on Frostwire.

Frostwire shows turbocharged. Limewire Basic does not.

Otherwise, as far as I can tell, they are basically the same."

The user view on whirlpool:

"FrostWire is a fork of LimeWire. Since LW is open-source, the FW people modified its code to remove some of the ads, etc, and re-released it. that is to say, Frostwire is Limewire without nags & ads in the program itself. Search results will be the same.

FW is supposed to be equivalent to Limewire Pro, but free."

The user view on computing.net

"Limewire Pro( purchased ): No nag screens to buy.

Limewire ( free ) Nag screen to buy.

Frostwire ( free ) No nag screen, must uninstall Limewire free, before installing."

The user view on fluther

"Both of them download stuff from the same network (Gnutella). The same files are shared with both applications. It is two different methods to get to the same place

FrostWire is based on LimeWire but completely freeware, the only difference is that it doen't let you get that nag window to upgrade to a Pro version (there is no Pro version of FrostWire) like there is in LimeWire."

The user view on club.cdfreaks

"In LimeWire, the feds are searching for users and they will know what you are searching for! Use Frostwire, it's safer, cleaner, and most importantly, the feds are lookin' into it"

The user view on afterdawn

"Frostwire is bascially a clone of limewire.

Its not bundled with spyware

Its generally cleaner

And from the same project as limewire and runs on same network (Gnuttela).

Frostwire was only created as Limewire recieved a "cease and desist" letter from the RIAA threttening to sue.

I think frostwire user's may not share files that arent under a weed share or creative licence :S

However frostwire is still very new and still being worked on, give it a while, as for performance wise...theres no clear winner.

Frostwire VS Limewire

Winner = Frostwire

Why, because it will live longer than limewire and is cleaner PLUS it looks like a promising project."

Part 3. The Brief summary: FrostWire or Limewire, Which is better

In my opinion Frostwire is probably the better bit torrent downloader compared to Limewire.

As with LimeWire, FrostWire is written in Java, and therefore is capable of supporting multiple platforms. While LimeWire is available in both free and paid versions, Frostwire, similar to LimeWire Pro, connects to 5 ultrapeers. The Non-pro version of LimeWire only connects to 3. This means that both Limewire Pro and Frostwire have potentially faster download speeds and broader search results.

FrostWire is released only as a free version. The FrostWire program includes all of the functionalities of LimeWire’s free version, as well as a few features of LimeWire Pro’s payment based upgrades. FrostWire also provides a chatroom, which is absent in LimeWire. FrostWire’s interface is nearly identical to that of LimeWire’s, since it is based on the same code base. However, the color scheme is slightly different. As in LimeWire, FrostWire’s skin may be changed to a variety of different colors and shapes.

Despite the fact that Frostwire does not have a larger number of search results and looks almost identical to Limewire, its download speed, chat room feature and load time is the number reason why you should go with this bit-torrent downloader.


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